Published Papers:
"Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets," (with Giulia Brancaccio, Myrto Kalouptsidi and Nicola Rosaia), 2023, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(4), 2451–2503
"The Impact of Oil Prices on World Trade," (with Giulia Brancaccio and Myrto Kalouptsidi), 2023, Review of International Economics, 31(2), 444-463
"Occupational Matching and Cities," 2022, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 14(3), 82-132
"Geography, Transportation, and Endogenous Trade Costs," (with Giulia Brancaccio and Myrto Kalouptsidi), 2020, Econometrica, 88(2), 657-691
Recipient of the Frisch Medal for the best applied (empirical or theoretical) paper published in Econometrica in the previous four years, 2022
Supplement to "Geography, Transportation, and Endogenous Trade Costs"
Featured in Quartz, Microeconomic Insights, Econofact, MarketWatch, World Bank Infrastructure Podcast, Fraser Institute Blog, The Heights' Podcast
This paper previously circulated under the title "Geography, Search Frictions and Endogenous Trade Costs" (NBER Working Paper 23581)
"A Guide to Estimating Matching Functions in Spatial Models," (with Giulia Brancaccio and Myrto Kalouptsidi), 2020, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 70, 102533 (Special Issue EARIE 2018)
"Large Firms and Within Firm Occupational Reallocation," 2018, Journal of Economic Theory, 174, 184-223
"Firm Learning and Growth," (with Costas Arkolakis and Olga Timoshenko) 2018, Review of Economic Dynamics, 27, 146-168
"Learning Your Comparative Advantages," 2014, Review of Economic Studies, 81(3), 1263-1295
Working Papers:
"Investment in Infrastructure and Trade: The Case of Ports,” (with Giulia Brancaccio and Myrto Kalouptsidi), NBER Working Paper 32503, revise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy
Featured in NBER Digest, Macro Roundup
"Occupational Choice, Human Capital and Learning: A Multi-Armed Bandit Approach," (with Rafael Lopes de Melo), revise and resubmit, Labour Economics
"Rigidities in Transportation and Supply Chain Disruptions,” (with Giulia Brancaccio and Myrto Kalouptsidi), prepared for AEA Papers and Proceedings
"Port Disruptions and Inflation,” (with Giulia Brancaccio, Myrto Kalouptsidi and Yixin Zhou), in progress